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What is Q fever

Madhuri Adnal
Hyderabad-based National Research Centre on Meat (NRCM) researchers have found at least five positive cases in 250 samples.
Q fever is a disease caused by the bacteria Coxiella burnetii. This bacteria naturally infects some animals, such as goats, sheep, and cattle.
People can get infected by breathing in dust that has been contaminated by infected animal feces, urine, milk, and birth products.
Some people never get sick; however, those who do usually develop flu-like symptoms including fever, chills, fatigue, and muscle pain.
Symptoms can be mild or severe. People who develop the severe disease may experience an infection of the lungs (pneumonia) or liver (hepatitis).
Women who are infected during pregnancy may be at risk for miscarriage, stillbirth, pre-term delivery, or low infant birth weight.
Chronic Q fever is serious and can be deadly if not treated correctly. Chronic Q fever infection requires months of antibiotic treatment.
Chronic Q fever is more likely to occur in people with heart valve disease, blood vessel abnormalities, or in people with weakened immune systems.
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