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Some tips to choose health insurance plan in India

Choosing a good health insurance is very important. Here are some tips
Gowrish Babu
It is important to have a good health insurance for you and your family. Here are some tips on how to choose a good health insurance
Depending on the health history of both you and your family look for the right coverage. Compare plans on benefits and costs and apply due diligence
Always prefer a family over an individual health plan. This way you will get the maximum benefits
Keep your health insurance affordable. With time you can review your plan and increase the cover
Before closing an insurance plan make sure you compare quotes online
Always check for the network of hospitals that your health insurance provider is offering. Check how good the hospitals are and also the distance
Choose a plan with lifetime renewability because you will need the plan during the later years of your age
Always chose an insurer that has a high claim settlement ratio
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