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Simple ways to tell if an egg is good or bad

Gowrish Babu
Sometimes people find it difficult to detect whether the eggs stored in your refrigerator are good or spoiled.
Well, the good news is that there are ways to find out whether eggs are in good state or not in a eating condition.
One simple way to find it is by doing the float test.
Fill a bowl with a water and place the eggs in it. If they sink to the bottom and lay flat on one side, they are fresh and good to eat.
You can also find out by cracking the egg into a bowl and examine it for an off-odor or unusual appearance before deciding to use or discard it.
A spoiled egg will have an unpleasant odor when you break open the shell, either when raw or cooked.
Another way to determine egg's freshness is to hold an egg up to your ear and shake it. If there is no sloshing sound, then it is fresh.
Break the egg and inspect the color of yolk. Pink or iridescent egg white (albumen) indicates spoilage due to Pseudomonas bacteria.
Some of these microorganisms—which produce a greenish, fluorescent, water-soluble pigment—are harmful to humans.
Look out for these signs if you have any doubts about the freshness of eggs and never eat an egg that is spoiled.
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