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Health Benefits of eating Dark Chocolate

By: Gowrish Babu
Gowrish Babu
Improves Blood Flow: The flavanols found in dark chocolate help arteries relax, improving blood flow & preventing blood clots.
Lowers Risk of Heart Diseases: The compounds in dark chocolate fight bad cholestrol, lower rise of heart attack, stroke & heart failure.
Improves Brain Function: Dark chocolate increases blood flow to the brain.
Helps Prevent Diabetes: An italian study that focused on 15 people who ate about three ounces of dark chocolate a day for 15 days found their insulin resistance was lowered significantly.
Reduce Stress: Dark chocolate produces stress busting endorphins.
Helps Fight Fatigue: Dark chocolate enhances the actions of the transmitters in your brain, like serotonin, to help regulate your mood and sleep.
Good For Teeth: Dark chocolate contains theobromie, which has been proven to harden tooth enamel.
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