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7 simple alternatives to plastic

krishna murthy
Stainless Steel: Stainless steel is fast becoming the most used product in place of plastic. Replace single-use cups, kitchen storage, lunch boxes, and more with this durable metal.
Glass: Unlike plastic containers, glass containers are safer to store and do not contain toxic chemicals that could contaminate your food.
Edible Spoons: Replace plastic spoons in your kitchen with edible spoons.
Paper: Paper is one of the most widely used products as an alternative to plastic for various packaging purposes. It is completely organic and biodegradable.
Bamboo: Bamboo is a fast-growing renewable resource that can replace plastic in items like tableware and drinking straws. It is lightweight, durable, and compostable.
Pottery: Pottery and other fired ceramics offer a stable, waterproof alternative that’s good for food storage and tableware. Look for non-toxic glazes.
Wood: Wood from sustainably-managed forests can replace plastic in household items like cleaning brushes, kitchen utensils, and cutting boards.
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