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12 benefits of cardamom (Elaichi)

Cardamom is a widely-used spice in Indian cooking, but do you know it has plenty of health benefits? Find out other benefits here:
Gowrish Babu
Cardamom helps to lower your blood pressure level, which is vital in maintaining the health of your heart and kidneys.
As per a study, cardamom prevents fat storage in the liver and lowers cholesterol levels.
It helps you in combating the symptoms of common cold and cough.
Green cardamom may improve the health of your respiratory system, which includes reduced wheezing, coughing, shortness of breath, and other symptoms of asthma.
The antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and hypolipidemic activities of cardamom may reduce the risk of diabetes.
According to one study, the regular consumption of elaichi improves your lipid profile.
It decreases the free radicals circulating in your body, and also enhances the clot-destructive properties of your blood (which can prevent stroke).
Cardamom may help fight harmful bacteria in the mouth and enhances our salivary secretion.
It helps flush out plaque and prevents the growth of bacteria. In total, it ensures to get rid of bad breath.
Elaichi is the best solution to get rid of your 'loss of appetite' problem.
Cineole compound found in Cardamom is a potent nerve stimulant and libido enhancer.
Cardamom is good for preventing digestive issues.
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